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Document and Entity Information
Combined statements of financial position
Combined statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Combined statements of changes in net assets
Combined statements of cash flows
Reporting Entity and description of business
Basis of preparation
Material accounting policies
New standards or amendments issued
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash
Related-party transactions and balances
Property, construction in process and equipment
Investment property
Long-term debt
Employee benefits
Income tax
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management
Other income and other expenses
Net assets
Commitments and contingencies
Subsequent events
Correction of immaterial errors
Accounting Policies
Material accounting policies (Policies)
Material accounting policies (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash (Tables)
Related-party transactions and balances (Tables)
Property, construction in process and equipment (Tables)
Investment property (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Long-term debt (Tables)
Employee benefits (Tables)
Income tax (Tables)
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management (Tables)
Revenue (Tables)
Other income and other expenses (Tables)
Reporting Entity and description of business, Corporate Information (Details)
Reporting Entity and description of business, Significant Transactions (Details)
Basis of preparation (Details)
Material accounting policies, Property, Construction in Process and Equipment (Details)
New standards or amendments issued (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash (Details)
Related-party transactions and balances, Key Management Personnel Compensation (Details)
Related-party transactions and balances, Transactions Carried out with Related Parties (Details)
Related-party transactions and balances, Reconciliation of Movements of Liabilities to Cash Flows Arising from Financing Activities (Details)
Property, construction in process and equipment, Reconciliation of Carrying Amount (Details)
Property, construction in process and equipment, Construction in Process (Details)
Property, construction in process and equipment, Non-cash Transactions in Property, Construction in Process and Equipment and Measurement of Fair Value (Details)
Property, construction in process and equipment, Carrying Amount and Security (Details)
Investment property (Details)
Leases (Details)
Long-term debt, Current and Non-current Liabilities (Details)
Long-term debt, Terms and Repayment Schedule (Details)
Long-term debt, Reconciliation of Movements of Liabilities to Cash Flows Arising from Financing Activities (Details)
Employee benefits, Net Defined Benefit Liability (Details)
Employee benefits, Movement in Net Defined Benefit Liability (Details)
Employee benefits, Principal Actuarial Assumption (Details)
Employee benefits, Defined Benefit Obligation by the Amounts (Details)
Income tax, Major Components of Income Tax Expenses (Details)
Income tax, Amounts Recognized in OCI (Details)
Income tax, Reconciliation of Effective Tax Rate (Details)
Income tax, Movement in Deferred Tax Balances (Details)
Income tax, Unrecognized Deferred Tax Assets (Details)
Income tax, Tax Losses Carried Forward (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management, Accounting Classification (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management, Liquidity Risk (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management, Currency Risk (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management, Interest-Bearing Financial Instruments (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair value and risk management, Interest Rate Sensitivity (Details)
Revenue, Total Revenue (Details)
Revenue, Disaggregation of Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Details)
Other income and other expenses (Details)
Net assets (Details)
Commitments and contingencies (Details)
Subsequent events (Details)
Correction of immaterial errors (Details)
All Reports